Hi, welcome me, i'm a new member, this is my first post :)
I just purchased the Kumyoung Vivus Mini last week. And had some progress already on my research on it's format. BTW, it is harddisk based, so the files are scattered in the harddisk unlike in DVD karaoke player where there are 2-4 files where all the songs are packed together. The video of course just follows the DVD video format. Here's the product link: http://ph.kumyoung.com/eng/product/product01_item09.asp They used 3.5" SATA harddisk formatted as FAT32. The harddisk only contain data and not any operating system or programs/firmware that it may use. Songs are already represented by each file with the file extension KYD. (older mode Vivaus Pro ha KYC file extension, not sure if it the same format). I can't really tell if the file is already close to a Midi file or if there were encryption, since I am not familiar with the .MID format. I tried renaming it to .MID and .KAR already, but can't be played. So, a conversion is necessary. In the \RSONG folder, it has the following files: - EVENT.DAT - looks like it contains the list of new songs (referenced to other file) in the past 12 months - HIST.LST - just a text file, listing the previous 12 months date - MEDSUB.DAT - no idea yet - SINGER.DAT - list of all the singer terminated by NULL character. They may be indexing in the file to the the singer name - SORT.DAT - most likely for indexing purposes - TITLE.DAT - List of all the titles of the song, it contains a header and additional DWORD value right after the song title - TITLE.INX - well, most likely the index for the titles (no idea yet) I know, I don't have the details yet on the format, because I haven't checked it further. I am gathering different updates so I can study how the above files change. What I have is that I can change by background videos by adding/replacing files in the \RMPEG folder. Yeah, that pretty obvious, I won't describe it any further. What I really found out is how to extract the .BIN package that can downloaded in their website as song update. The usual song upgrade process requires you to put the .BIN package in a USB flash drive. Boot the player, go to the setup menu, select the song update. Insert the flash drive and its should be okay. The sad part is updating songs requires you to buy new IC (they call it pic ic) which can be used for 3 updates and you cannot skip an update. It costs 450 pesos (USD 9.50). If I can upload the song files directly, they I can save some bucks. The song files (.KYD) are just additional files while the 7 files I have listed above will be replaced/overwritten. So, not knowing the fileformat of those file is still okay for now. I will need to test this first on the next song update they will provide. I am also looking on how to add mp3 and music videos in it. Anyone who's interested in this project. =) |
MIDI is the name for the protocol, see MIDI specification.
There's also the MIDI file format (which has the time information). Then there's another format for which I couldn't find an official spec: http://www.nabble.com/Decoding-JBK-6628-DVD-Karaoke-Disc-tp12261269p12399619.html You should be able to see pattern in MIDI files if they are not compressed or encrypted. Do not focus on single file. Some pattern are not that ovious. See also: http://www.nabble.com/Useful-Tools-for-file-Analysis-tt13012184.html Can you please also provide information for the size of the files, e.g. how big is each KYD?
In reply to this post by Aeijaei
hello Aeijaei,
i'll just try to ask about on the rmpeg folder, if replace another file at rmpeg why does it appears blank on the screen but in the computer i can play it even the original files the dvd extention.. bec. i'm trying to replace another mtv file at folder rmpeg, i bought a cd and i replace the avseq.dat to mtv1.dvd to replace the original mtv1.dvd at folder rmpeg, but when you access that no. at kumyoung player nothing will be displayed. pls.help.. tnx.. |
Following chat is purely based on my experiences, not technical documents. So, it might be wrong :-)
Non-data (music/video) CD/DVDs are structured based on tracks etc. When you put the disk in computer the software reads the information and handles the data as files. So, when you copy the files to disk it becomes a data disk. Usually, the software players can handle that, i.e. as soon as it "sees" the typical video file structure it will track down the required information and play it back as a video disk. When you put the disk into stand-alone players they don't know what to do with the data. Of course, there are some players doing what a software player does, i.e. you can replace files. I know that California and Arirang has problem. http://www.nabble.com/How-to-put-your-own-Video-on-the-DVD--%28California-electronics%29-td11550778.html But JBK: http://www.nabble.com/Decoding-JBK-6628-DVD-Karaoke-Disc-tp12261269p12304814.html HTH Phuoc Can HUA |
In reply to this post by madrock
Hi madrock, I haven't tried that. What I have tried yet is replacing the background videos. The avseq.dat are MPEG-2 format which is the same format with the videos that has .DVD file extensions (which has nothing to do with the DVD that we know). Because the mtvxxx.dvd has still corresponding .KYD file, it may need to be updated too, maybe some checksum or filesize checking. I'll try it when I open by Mini's harddisk again and let you know on the outcome. |
In reply to this post by Aeijaei
Do you happen to know a way to get updates to the Pic chip in the USA? I travel to the Philippines about twice a year, but it would be helpful to be able to get Pic service here in the US. Have you seen or heard the FeelTong? I was wondering how that unit sounded and updated. I am following the progress you make. Thanks. :)
-=Tracy=- |
In reply to this post by bigboss97
Hi Aeijaei!
I've read about your post (Jan 08, 2009). I just bought new vivaus mini just last month in Philippines. I wonder how u got into the \RMPEG folder. I wanted to add/change background on my vivaus mini. Did u used computer to access the files inside the vivaus mini? If yes, what type of cable did u use and where can i buy it? One thing more is that, i had trouble registering from the website (www.kumyoung.ph) and until now my registration account is still under approval. Do u know how to get an account there? thanks! regards, jaywils |
In reply to this post by Aeijaei
Hi -
Have you figured out .kyc file? I need to create .kyc file to add new songs to my Vivaus Pro karaoke machine. Do you know how? Please let me know. Thanks ck |
Hello everyone. my apologies if I may be way off the current topic of this forum but I'm wondering if any of you experienced of having your Vmini getting stuck on booting? My unit was not able to recover after an upgrade was done. I guess, i did not understand the websites instruction well or my my download was incomplete? i don't know, tried to retrace the steps but seems to be ok. I later on realize that the unit did not really need an update but i don't think that an update should be able to harm the system. Now, when i turn the unit on it shows the message about not turning power off while booting (something like that) and would have no screen display after 3-5 minutes later but I can hear the machine whirring on. A red light is on at the front but thats all. I emailed kumyoung about it, but has not received a reply yet. I found a similar posting at another site but it seem to have been deleted.
Hopefully kumyoung will reply to my email soon. If any of you have an idea of what else i can do pls do tell me. thanks! |
I'm having the same problem with my mini vivaus. booting repeatedly and nothing happens. did you get to fix yours?
Unfortunately not. And Nobody at Kumyoung seems to care despite my numerous email. Never going to buy any Kumyoung product again.
did you try calling them?
I stated in my email that I am in LA, California so email communication is best at this time. I did call a local office that carries Kumyoung products but apparently Vivaus is exclusively a Philippine product. I just wished I could have known of this fact before I bought it even though I was very vocal to the sales person that I was bringing it abroad, there was no mention of difficulty looking for parts, upgrades, and services elsewhere other than the Philippines.
I did mention to my circle to avoid buying this product if they want to avoid going through the hassle. No matter how good your product is if your after sales service is nothing then product is like a disposable item that once it is broken it is nothing but trash. |
I agree. Even if you are lucky enough and have no technical issues, sometimes they demand a huge amount for song upgrade. Have a look at this thread: http://old.nabble.com/Karaoke-Market-here-in-My-Place-..-tt28663829.html |
In reply to this post by Aeijaei
can you tell me how you open the .BIN file for our school project
How to extract the .BIN files to see its content?
In reply to this post by noybay
I'm having the same issue. Anybody got a fix for this?
In reply to this post by noybay
Hey Guys, I have Vivaus Mini and at first I made a backup from the Hard Disk Content. I downloaded the software called True Image 2013 and install in PC. I have cloned the Hard Disk exactly the same format and content. Now I have 3 back up hard disk with the same content. I have changed the background videos. Like picture slide converted to the HD Video then from HD Video to .mpeg. I have used Wondershare Video converter ultimate. I renamed the extension to .dvd so it will be read the same as the original. I have noticed also that once the songs was updated through usb, just clone the hard disk and then put it in the other unit then it will work exactly the same without updating the song in every unit.
In reply to this post by jaywils
Just take out the hard disk and put it in your pc but before accessing and changing anything. make a back up first. install true image 2013 then clone the hard disk exactly the same with the original. Then keep the original hard disk then workout in the backup. So nothing to worry even it fails. Sometimes adding video or overwriting video or deleting video (Background Video) will not boot your device as it is very sensitive. you can use Wondershare DVD slideshow builder. You can make a slide picture and save it as HD video then use Wondershare ultimate video converter to convert the HD video to .mpeg video. There is an screen size option so try everything until it works properly. once you have done the conversion rename the video to .dvd then delete the existing one. but make sure the file names are exactly the same with the original with .dvd extension. for Further information send an email to shbmoffice@gmail.com
In reply to this post by bigboss97
You must have a Desktop Computer and Software's to do all this things.
Download and install all these software's as follows; If you will purchase all this software it will cost you a lot. Mine i have just installed Bitlord, Torrent Down-loader (http://www.bitlord.com) Install this program first then search all the software you need. Search All these software to these torrent sites; http://www.ahashare.com, http://www.thepiratebay.se Make Sure to Crack all the programs so it will be all activated then it will work properly exactly the same with original purchased. 1. True Image 2013 by Acronis 2. Wondershare Video Converter Ultimate Version: 6.5.1 (Video converter with High Quality and Resolution of 720*576 and Bit Rate of 10000 kbps) 3. Wondershare DVD Slideshow Builder Deluxe (For Picture Slide Builder) always save the video in HD with 1080p then use the Video Converter Ultimate to convert to .Mpeg2) Once you have all these. Take out the Hard Disk from Vivaus Mini Karaoke (Be careful when removing the Hard Disk. You should be doing this the same in Desktop Computer) Once you have removed it from Vivaus Mini Karaoke then connect it to the Desktop/PC. Also you have to connect another Hard Disk for cloning the Vivaus Hard Disk using True Image 2014. Clone the Main Hard Disk exactly the same settings/content. Once cloning is done. Keep the original Hard Disk and work on the cloned one. (This is to insure that you have a backup in case of failure as it is very sensitive. Some times i won't boot from Vivaus MIni if you have done some changes on the content or even when you overwritten the background videos. If it happens do the same procedure for cloning until it works perfectly. I suggest for you ta make at least 2 Hard Disk Backups. Once you have done the video conversion, explore the background video files then rename the video you have done exactly the same filename in backgroup video. The video you have made will be like gasuf11.mpg and the original background video will be gasuf11.dvd. Now you have to rename the extension from gasuf11.mpg to gasuf11.dvd then delete the original files and replace with the one you have made. I have made also an electronic Song book for this karaoke and it is very convenient to use. You will just type the song title or Song artist then it will show automatically. No need to search in the song book manually. |
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