Understanding the files on the DVD of Arirang Karaoke (hk2 & midi0)

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Re: Arirang Vol. 34 (arrange MIDI sources?)

Hi Henry,
I'm not sure whether I understand you correctly. You've got all MIDI's (with lyrics) and having trouble to associate some MP3 with MIDI's? I don't mind to discard MP3 (vocal, chorus).
Honestly, the screenshots didn't tell me much. Can you explain a little more? How far you've got and what exactly is still missing?
It would be great if you could post your source codes/scripts. So everybody can try them out.


henry123 wrote
if anyone can help me to arrange the midi source of vol 34 (all of arriange  Karaoke DVD midi and mp3 files : order number from 00001   ) .  
i got a trouble in extracting the resource of LISTSONG.DAT FILE (I THOUHG IT A DATABASE FILE NOT A DVD FILE)
henry. please help
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Re: Arirang Vol. 31 - Song name and its contents

In reply to this post by henry123
Based on your screenshots, all MIDIs are extracted with a sequence number.
I was able to read the TOC (song names) and refer it to the file contents, see:
This might help you to give your MIDI files a meaningful name.

I was able to find the lyrics, but failed to extract MIDI contents :-(

henry123 wrote
to arrange the midi source of vol 34 (all of arriange  Karaoke DVD midi and mp3 files : order number from 00001   )
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Re: Arirang Vol. 34 (arrange MIDI sources?)

This post was updated on .
In reply to this post by bigboss97
please see the midi file for refe
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Re: Arirang Vol. 31 - Song name and its contents

In reply to this post by bigboss97
if you can't see the lyric : just because of missing font
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Re: Arirang Vol. 31 - Song name and its contents

In reply to this post by bigboss97
bigboss97 wrote
Based on your screenshots, all MIDIs are extracted with a sequence number.
I was able to read the TOC (song names) and refer it to the file contents, see:
This might help you to give your MIDI files a meaningful name.

I was able to find the lyrics, but failed to extract MIDI contents :-(

henry123 wrote
to arrange the midi source of vol 34 (all of arriange  Karaoke DVD midi and mp3 files : order number from 00001   )
 ==>> i was read this link yesterday
and hopfully to word with you all

i'm not working at studio or music , i'm and computer engineer.
I had test the midi source on Sona software 8

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Re: Arirang Vol. 31 - Song name and its contents

sorry for got to inlude the mp3 vietnames call " nhac be`"
i dont know how to explain it in enghlish

Note : midi file was tested on the organ and Sona software with VTS, with lyric
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Re: Arirang Vol. 34 (arrange MIDI sources?)

In reply to this post by bigboss97
> I was able to read the TOC (song names) and refer it to the file contents,  i was trying to open the file : TIST.DAT AND THE RESULT IS :
see the pic open it with Editpad pro


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Re: Arirang Vol. 31 - MIDI with Unicode

In reply to this post by henry123
I haven't got a chance to run your MIDIs, but I trust you  :-)
It would be greate if you can create the MIDI already in Unicode, ie. no extra fonts (viewer) required for XP. You can find the conversion routine for VN and CN in:

henry123 wrote
if you can't see the lyric : just because of missing font
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Re: Arirang Vol. 31 - MIDI with Unicode

please show me the way to convert the .DAT file  (it a data file as i know, in this case it a song list
to TXT or any easy format such as CSV any file we can read.
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Re: Arirang Vol. 31 - MIDI with Unicode

i'm still waiting from both of you to help me

i spend 3 days for this DVD  but can not finish
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Re: Arirang Vol. 31 - Song List

In reply to this post by henry123
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Re: Arirang Vol. 31 - MIDI with Unicode

In reply to this post by henry123
Don't worry, 3 days only, I've spent months... years  :-)  look how old is this forum

henry123 wrote
i'm still waiting from both of you to help me

i spend 3 days for this DVD  but can not finish
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Re: Arirang Vol. 31 - MIDI with Unicode

ok ok !
just anxious to finish it for my friend in US.he asked me 3 days ago

my business is at my site : www.htit2b.com
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Re: Arirang Vol. 31 - MIDI with Unicode

please see it
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Re: Arirang Vol. 31 - MIDI with Unicode

any one continue with me?
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Re: Arirang Vol. 34 - TLIST?

In reply to this post by henry123
I'm not aware of a TLIST file. As far as I can remember my findings work for v35 as well:

I could print the song list with original song numbers.
I could find the section of song data for each song.
I could unmask the lyrics.
Only missing the MIDI data.
I've done all these without TLIST

see old posts:

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Re: Understanding the file - Recurring Pattern, MIDI data?

In reply to this post by bigboss97
Suddenly, I've got the idea that the MIDI part properbly using another mask. Then I started looking at recurring pattern using masks 00-ff. I found a pattern of some 3 bytes and 7 bytes groups:

and I also found that if I use the lyrics mask XOR 0x0e then I've got the mask for that pattern.
These are only based on 3 songs. I might be wrong.

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Re: Understanding the file - Recurring Pattern, MIDI data?

i'm having a vol36 disk
but no time to be with it.
I'll give all of you the result later.
Thanh Phuoc so much
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Re: Understanding the file - v36

The commercial one (all songs in one file)?
Has v36 the same data structure (which I strongly believe)?

henry123 wrote
i'm having a vol36 disk
but no time to be with it.
I'll give all of you the result later.
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Re: Understanding the file - v36

yes, Phuoc
that is exactly