Hello there mates, I am Rey Tan from General Santos City, Philippines. they are so many MIDI karaoke Players out here in my place... this is the HOT market here .... Let me give you info 1 by 1 .... Firstly I found out ... KARAVISION - first out a CD and later become DVD ... with upgraded song every month .. * I have one of these "the CD one" but now they are no Song Updates ... MEGAVISION - First out a CD and later become DVD now they uses HARD DRIVE as of now they use 360GB... with upgraded song every OTHER month .. * until now they have updates. Firstly they promise that the updates are FREE to download on internet. but since the first updates of song they make protection for upgrading.. NOTE - they update Every OTHER month and Every updates they Charge $12 per module Heres the list of Module.. Module 1 - Karaoke Update Songs Module 2 - Music Video Update Module 3 - Magic Tricks ( something Like Movie but a magics only ) Module 4 - Movie Updates ( something like Movie of Jackie Chan and other - Portion of Movie) Module 5 - Boxing of PACMAN " Very Take note " they cannot update your unit if you are not updated on last ... Example : If your last update is October 2009 You missed December 2010, February 2010, April 2010 and you are willing to update cause you have Favorite song on June 2010 - You are Obligate to Update First all missed Month of Upgrading ... Here are the some of Computation. $12 per module $12 x 5 (module) = $60 October = $60 December = $60 February = $60 April = $60 June = $60 ---------- $500 Needed "Very Expensive" For me I have 22 units of this Player - So! huh about the Security I said ... Heres the Flow ... I bring the unit to their store .... and compute what I need ( How many Module ) They Have USB FLASH Drive and the Machine Automatically copy the Update song from the FLASH Drive ... and after copy .. when you they to put the song number it have Example : latest update is "BOM BOM POW - Black EYED Peace" after copy the machine will be displayed the TITLE but if we press the Play button nothing happen ... the solution is ... THEY are requesting to the Main Reseller of the unit here also in Philippines to GENERATE the KEY .. only the Text File ... after they copy the generated file the unit can play the new updated song ... I try to study the IC inside of it .. it have Unique Serial .. to match the generated key ... I forgot the Serial number are they base before they generate the key ... @to all masters Hope we can do something about this ... I am willing to support for our Experiment .. if we need to sacrifice 1 unit I will do ... Chinese Players - Such as HUG, AHOOO, LEXING, UNITECH, SPIDER-FIRE and many others the mention brands above are different Formats.. I mean if the DVD will not be played to other brand - this units are DVD Player and CAN PLAY MIDI also - I think some of these are using DUAL LAYER 8GB DVD. The updated song is upto 69,000+ and they release it last month here in my place ... Best Regards, Rey Tan - Philippines |
Thank you for sharing the details. This is a bit new to me. I know there have been players with HD before. But I thought now there are mainly hardcoded MIDI DVD players on the market. It was interesting to see how the HD got updated. btw, is Malata from Philppines as well?
Can you look into your HD? What files are there, file name and size? |
In reply to this post by LoveLessGuy
You have to take all 5 modules, with all the craps? Can't get songs only?
I'm assuming you are talking about US$. Wouldn't it be cheaper to buy a new player every year? :-)
Yes its true . what i am saying .. It is too expensive .. Regards |
In reply to this post by bigboss97
Hello Rey ;
go to ,, www.gigatribe.com download the FREE software and become a FREE member then add me as your friend Thekjman |
In reply to this post by LoveLessGuy
Yes, I know the practice, but don't you think the people who process all those songs, type the lyrics and synchronize them to the songs, should also have an income to be able to rent a house, buy food, drive a motorcycle or even a car?
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