I was able to follow the 1st part of the tutorial described here
http://board.midibuddy.net/showpost.php?p=533722&postcount=31 using HEX editor and check my Hyundai midi.dat if the first blocks match with what was mentioned on that post...YES it matched. Sad to say that im not really a programmer, the actual extraction of midi wasnt mentioned in the tutorial.
I've been searching for this kind of midi extraction since 2001...I wanted to extract FILIPINO karaoke songs from Hyundai midi cd since only few Filipino *.kar and *.mid w/ lyrics available in the internet...I uploaded all my Filipino kar collection in Yahoo softkaraoke group.
If you need someone to help design a GUI for your karaoke software...may be i can help, it's the only help i can offer here since im not a programmer hehehe...I'm expert in adode photoshop, adobe illustrator and corel draw